Civil War
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Civil War Battlefields


What do you feel when you walk onto a civil war battlefield? What where the men who fought here thinking, feeling, and praying? Do you sense the history?
I lived a short distance from the Kenesaw Mountain battlefield in Marietta GA. Often we would go to the Park to hike the miles of trails. I was a young man at the time and like all young men I would wander off the trail. There was one place with lots of mounds. One day it occurred to me that this was not a natural formation, these were hand dug trenches. Kenesaw and Dig! The defenders of the Mountain dug trenches with whatever they could find, pieces of wood and mental, to fortify their position. That moment was an awakening. I never felt the same way about going to the park again.
This is when I started to collect books on the Civil War. Here on this page you will find some of my favorites. I can't help but feel this war touch my life. It touches all of our lives, even to this day.

